Monday, 15 September 2014

Hat Says It All For Men

Porkpies, Homburgs, all manner of Fedoras and even the odd Bowler- hats are nowadays frequently seen to accessories modern fashion conscious men. Today Hugh Jackman has been acknowledged as the celebrity hat wearer of the year or the TV shows like “Mad Men” and the People's pages, adorned with the presence of Hollywood hat fashionistas like Justin Timberlake, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, are announcing the new dawn of the hat-statement. But it is not only today that hats have become the inextricable part of men outfit.

There was a time when the trend of the headgears used to embellish the style & wardrobe of men, being the symbol of absolute elegance, class & distinction.

What Makes A Man Relish A Hat

From a royal assembly to the red carpet clips of award functions, ritzy hats reign the heads of fashion setters generation after generation.   But what makes today’s man so inclined to be adorned in a hat? Be it a vintage photo from 1950's or a busiest New York streets, why this distinguished style statement is making so much craze among the fashion conscious men? Stuart Goldin, 67, a hat lover and owner of menswear shop Tessuti Inc. on Oak Street for the past 32 years, answers, “It's the big fashion statement by young people now,I think it's great. Fedoras never should have gone out of style.” Not only a hat completes an outfit, but it also adds an effortless yet stylish final look that expands all the limitations of fashion.

When Style Is In The Angle

Until the mid-twentieth century, men trusted on hats most to look true gentlemen. In those days the most popular was the derby ones, called the bowler in England. The homburg or the fedora, popular as de rigueur for men, a necessary accessory to formal and business attire, are still creating buzz for their unique style & exquisite posture. Today feeling comfortable is a indivisible aspect of looking stylish. Hence, the recent elevation of toyo paper hats is indeed significant. Once reserved just for the beach, today it’s being worn casually too. Toyo paper hats come in various styles and offer good sunprotection. Toyo making paper hats is way less expensive to be flaunted by fashion conscious individuals, belonging any social genre. But one distinct place, where toyo paper hats rule, is the golf court, as its characteristic of being very light in weight. So there is no doubt that, whether it is a wide brim hat, or a fedora, or a straw boater, there are abundant of hats to choose from according to mood & occasion.   

For an everyday, casual look, a fedora, a beanie, a panama hat, and a bowler hat is ideal with a pair of jeans. However if sophistication and class call for occasion, most probable option would be a flat cap or a wide-brimmed fedora that can work wonders with a suit or a trench coat.

And The Final Words

Once indispensable to every man's wordrobe, today more outlandish head wears of Johnny Depp or the classical styles, favored by the men at Pitti Uomo, hats are the staple to modern fashion.

Article Source:,,

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